Slavyanov Sergei Yuryevitsh
Born in Leningrad, USSR, 27 March 1942
Present Permanent Position and Address:
Department of Computational Physics
St. Petersburg State University
198904, St. Petergof, Ulyanovskaya 1,Russia,
Fax (812) 428 7240, Tel. office. +007 (812) 428 4343
E-mail slav[at]
Educational background
1959 - 1964 Student of Leningrad State University
1964 - M.Sc. in Physics
1964 - 1967 - Postgraduate student
1968 - Ph.D. in Physics, Leningrad State University. Thesis on " Asymptotic Expansions of Solutions of the Singular Sturm-Liouville Problem"
1966 Habilitation thesis "Structured Theory of Equations and Special Functions belonging to the Heun Class"
Working activity
1968 -- 1976 Assistant Professor at Leningrad State University
1976 --1997 Associate Professor at Leningrad/St.Petersburg State University
1997 -- Professor at St.Petersburg State University
Visiting Positions
1976 - 1977 University of Stockholm, Sweden, Visiting Fellow
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 -- Max Planck Institut f\"ur Metallforschung, Stuttgart, MPG and DFG Stipendiat
1995 - Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Studies, Senior Visiting Fellow sponsored by Institute of Physics, UK
1996, 1997 -- Stuttgart University, DFG Stipendiat
1999, 2000-- Max Planck Institut f\"ur Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Visiting Researcher
2001-- Visiting professor at Leeds university sponsoured by London Mathematical Society
Other Activity
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal ``Theoretical and Mathematical Physics'', Moscow
Member of St.Petersburg Mathematical Society
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate Courses: Analysis, Numerical Methods
Graduate Courses: Mathematical Physics, Numerical Methods in Mathematical Physics, Asymptotic Methods, Complex Variable and Special Functions, Computer Tools for Physicists, Planning of Experiment, Differential and Difference Equations
Field of Research and Current Interests
Asymptotic Methods, Special Functions, Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Computer Algebra, Diffraction Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Underwater Acoustics
Major Publications
I.V.Komarov, L.I. Ponomarev, S.Yu. Slavyanov "Spheroidal and Coulomb Spheroidal Functions",
Nauka, Moscow, 1976 (in Russian)
S.Yu. Slavyanov "Asymptotic Solutions of the Schr\"odinger Equation",
Publishing House of Leningrad University, 1991,
Translation into English: AMS, Providence, 1996
A. Ronveaux "Heun Functions",
Oxford University Press, 1995, (contributor S.Yu. Slavyanov)
S.Yu.Slavyanov, W.Lay, "Special Functions: Unified Theory based on Singularities"
Oxford University Press, 2000
over 50 articles in Russian and International Journals:
J. Phys. A, J. Phys. B, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), J. Comput. Phys., Sov. Phys. JETP, Radiotechn. and Electron., Differenz. Uravn., Sov. Phys. Doklady, Acoust. J. etc.
Over 50 other publications: Proceedings of Conferences, preprints, etc.
Knowledge of Languages
English - sufficient for giving lectures and writing articles
German - sufficient for reading and talking
Swedish - sufficient for reading